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Awakening the Superhuman You:
2025 Demands It

Healing Session Date & Time:

3rd February | 11 AM EST/8 AM PST

Meeting Your Truth in 2025 Is Non-Negotiable:

In a world filled with chaos, overwhelm, and endless distractions, stepping into your truth as the Superhuman You is an absolute necessity. If you want to break free from the limitations of your past, dissolve the blocks that are holding you back, and create a future beyond anything you’ve imagined, you must rise above the noise and reclaim your authentic power.

Your greatest potential is not found in on-going hesitation or self-doubt. It’s not found in blaming your parents, rehashing all of your trauma, or reliving unhappy memories.

The clearest, fastest path to true happiness is the unshakable pursuit of your highest, most authentic self.

By tapping into the Superhuman You, you unlock clarity, confidence, and the ability to shape your reality with intention and purpose. And you become unstoppable.

The ever-evolving world isn’t patiently waiting for you to get ready—it’s urgently calling for you to step up now.

Join Clardy to find out how!

In this Exclusive Session You Will Discover How To:

  • Stop letting old stories, traumas, and patterns drag you down and define your future.
  • Identify and dissolve mental, emotional, and energetic barriers.
  • Rise above distractions and feel empowered to take massive, aligned action.
  • See beyond your current reality and create a miraculous future.
  • Unlock your highest capabilities and make an impact that matters.
  • Stop playing small and step into your authentic, limitless self.

Experience The Superhuman You LIVE!

During Clardy powerful live process, you’ll bask in the peace of pure white light, as Clardy re-aligns and supercharges your foundational frequency for Instant Abundance–with the quantum energies of Source Field Activation.

You’ll feel old baggage, worn-out belief systems, and generational DNA coding evaporate, as you are activated to access Instant Abundance at the amazing levels of the new Superhuman You.

Plus, Clardy will talk with callers 1-1!

Ready to start living the life you were born to live? The Time is NOW and the Superhuman You is running the show for 2025!

Don't miss this opportunity to experience the life-changing power of Quantum Manifestation and unlock the Superhuman YOU. Join Clardy in this enlightening live session and take the first step towards creating the miraculous life you've always dreamed of.

Magical Stories

What Cardy's Clients Are Saying

“Clardy's work is a futuristic level of healing with which we simply don't have much experience in our world.”

Barbara, Journalist, Amsterdam

“Wow. I get it that my future is literally shifting from where it was headed before. We're rewriting our trajectory from a higher place and awareness and relationship to Grace and God. It's big stuff here, and I'm really into it. Let's go!”

Erin, Florida

“All I can say is wow. My experience with Clardy was like… Boom. Done. Bye-bye whatever it was. It's like sniper fire. And it’s gotten even more powerful, since I first worked with her.”

Sue R., Ohio

“Clardy’s work is amazing. I have never experienced anything that works this fast.”

Arianna, Colorado

About Clardy Malugen

Clardy Malugen, MFA, MA, is a paradigm-shifter, internationally-acclaimed master healer, and master facilitator in the realm of consciousness expansion. Her unique energy healing modality, Source Field Activation, has astonished physicists and medical professionals while profoundly transforming thousands of lives across the globe.

Clardy's innovative work combines four unique modalities:

  1. Frequency Formula™ (mindset, personal energy management)
  2. High-Frequency Manifestation (visioning, new life blueprints)
  3. Source Field Activation™ (transmission of targeted high-frequency energies)
  4. Source Field Technologies™ (specifically targeted, bottled frequency formulas)

This fresh, powerful approach has been studied and confirmed by international physicists and medical professionals, many who believe Clardy is shifting energetic patterns at the DNA level. The results often include life-changing miracles, from remarkable physical healings to soulmate sightings, financial windfalls, and career advancements.

In her previous life, Clardy was the CEO of a multi-million-dollar bi-coastal entertainment corporation and creative consultant to many Fortune 500 companies. Her work has been featured in The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Entertainment Tonight, and MTV.