Transform Your Life with Virginia Rounds Griffiths

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BREATH WITH EASE: Enjoy the Miracle of Clear Airways for Respiratory Harmony

what people say

Straight From The Heart:
Powerful Testimonials From Virginia's Live Attendees

During the group sessions my lungs cleared completely from scale 6 to 0 and I feel lighter and easy to breath now.

Rose Delic

My sinuses are much better than when we started: moving from an 8 or 9 to about a 3 at this time. My right ear felt so much better by the end of class, from about an 8 to a 2


Sinuses, throat, trachea, lungs, tongue, ears, etc. were cleared from 8 or 9 to 2 or less during the group sessions. I enjoyed the group sessions and Virginia's very thorough approach to healing.


Full Spectrum Heart Healing: A Sacred Healing journey For a Life Of Balance, Harmony and Well-Being

what people say

Straight From The Heart:
Powerful Testimonials From Virginia's Live Attendees

I did your grounding tool on Tuesday and brought my blood pressure down to 126/73, pulse 57. That is excellent for me!


This tool is more than life saving because I now can control my stress and make it work for me not against me as in the past. Words are inadequate — thank you, thank you, thank you!

Irene W.

I was constantly in an out of hospital with tachycardia which I was diagnosed with for years. I have had all kinds of medication thrown at me by the various doctors I have consulted but no change in my condition. With the work I did with Virginia and using her MP3s I can hand on heart say that was the only thing that stopped my fast-beating heart from its erratic behavior.

Jessica W.

Metatron's Healing Codes Synchronize ALL Systems of Your Energy Matrix to Wipe Out ANYTHING That Stands in the Way of Your Ultimate Healing!

what people say

Straight From The Heart:
Powerful Testimonials From Virginia's Live Attendees

Because of her incredible healing energy I am going dancing tonight for the first time in over 5 Years!!!....My pain went from a Level 6 down to a Level 2 in minutes!!! The healing continued & two days later I was able to walk pain free!!! Which is why I am looking forward to dancing tonight on Day 3!

Peg Sue

Secondly you were able to assist with releasing entities, thought forms and implants. I had a real sense of this happening throughout my body and was able to see through my third eye (with your guidance) where the implant was and see it release (and feel the shift).

Davinder – London, UK

Virginia worked with her guides, as well as mine to remove entities, implants, cut cords and clear my energy. The energetic clearings were emotional, palpable and peaceful.

Jill – Michigan, USA

what people say

Straight From The Heart:
Powerful Testimonials From Virginia's Live Attendees

The energy is strong… I feel burning on my right side, from shoulder up side of neck to ear. With awareness towards the front. My hands are super hot, too.


Yes, Virginia has cleared so much in my system! I have many programs and will l get this one too!


Very peaceful, calming. Deep yawning! Thank you so much ❤️‍🔥