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The New You

Bye-Bye Trauma-Drama…Hello INSTANT Freedom!

Healing Session Date & Time:

6th June | 11 AM EST/8 AM PST

Have you been working on your old childhood trauma patterns to the point of exhaustion?

Worse yet, have you convinced yourself that you’ve healed them all, even though you keep creating/seeing the same wacky experiences in your life over and over and over?  

You make excuses for it all by telling yourself you’re learning lessons, but you’re noticing a bizarre similarity between all of the upsets.

It’s like you’re stuck somewhere—ad you can’t help yourself from attracting the wrong partners, co-workers, bosses.

You seem to experience lack no matter how hard to try to invite in abundance.

You can’t stop yourself from experiencing on-going health issues. Etc., etc.,

Blah blah blah. Feels like it’s never-ending, right?

The “good” thing is that you’ve made it easier to accept by convincing yourself that it’s never your fault.

No matter what happens, you’re always a victim to something outside of yourself, whatever it is…

But here’s the problem with that…

You’ve got a sneaky little suspicion that there might be something off with all of this…there might be a way to stop this crazy cycle of upsets, worry, and chaos.

But you just don’t know what to do. 

Join Clardy Malugen, MFA, MA, internationally-acclaimed master healer and creator of the Frequency Formula and Source Field Activation, for a transformative live session that will help you break free from cycle and step into a life of miracles.

In this exclusive session you will discover:

  • Stop the negative spiral of brain-based programming that energizes old trauma stories
  • Access Source Field Codes™ to shed hidden layers of trauma imprints holding you back
  • Understand and adapt your thought processes to silence controlling voices in your head
  • Learn to Flip Your Frequency instantly and unleash mind-bending miracles in every area of life
  • Harness the power of "Frequencies in a Bottle" to dissolve trauma wounds and supercharge your frequency


Experience "The Miracle Zone" Firsthand

As a special gift for attending the live interview, you'll have the extraordinary opportunity to experience Clardy's transformative work firsthand.

  • Receive personalized mini energy scans and transmissions directly from Clardy, as she tunes into your unique frequency and delivers laser-like insights to help you break through your biggest obstacles.
  • Participate in a powerful 9-12 minute "Beyond Trauma and into the Oasis" activation, where you'll be guided on a journey to dissolve multiple layers of emotional and physical traumas, realign your frequency with the energies of Source Field Activation™, and fully embody the infinite possibilities of the New You. Prepare to emerge refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to embrace a life of miracles!

These bonuses are exclusively available to live attendees, so make sure to mark your calendar and join us for this transformative event.

Don't miss your chance to experience the life-changing power of Clardy's work and step into a reality of optimal health, abundant careers, and soul-fulfilling relationships.

Join us for "Trauma-Free and Thriving in the Miracle Zone" and say hello to the joyful, abundant new you!

Magical Stories

What Clardy's Clients Are Saying

“Clardy's work is a futuristic level of healing with which we simply don't have much experience in our world.”


"Wow. I get it that my future is literally shifting from where it was headed before. We're rewriting our trajectory from a higher place and awareness and relationship to Grace and God. It's big stuff here, and I'm really into it. Let's go!”


“All I can say is wow. My experience with Clardy was like… Boom. Done. Bye-bye whatever it was. It's like sniper fire. And it’s gotten even more powerful, since I first worked with her.”


"Clardy’s work is amazing. I have never experienced anything that works this fast.”


About Clardy

Clardy Malugen, MFA, MA, is a paradigm-shifter, internationally-acclaimed master healer, and master facilitator in the realm of consciousness expansion. Her unique energy healing modality, Source Field Activation, has astonished physicists and medical professionals while profoundly transforming thousands of lives across the globe.

Clardy's innovative work combines four unique modalities:

  1. Frequency Formula™ (mindset, personal energy management)
  2. High-Frequency Manifestation (visioning, new life blueprints)
  3. Source Field Activation™ (transmission of targeted high-frequency energies)
  4. Source Field Technologies™ (specifically targeted, bottled frequency formulas)

This fresh, powerful approach has been studied and confirmed by international physicists and medical professionals, many who believe Clardy is shifting energetic patterns at the DNA level. The results often include life-changing miracles, from remarkable physical healings to soulmate sightings, financial windfalls, and career advancements.

In her previous life, Clardy was the CEO of a multi-million-dollar bi-coastal entertainment corporation and creative consultant to many Fortune 500 companies. Her work has been featured in The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Entertainment Tonight, and MTV.