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Your Soul Blueprint: It's Your Time, and the World Needs YOU!

Healing Session Date & Time:

27th June | 11 AM EST/8 AM PST

Are you tired of the corporate grind and feeling like a "quiet quitter"?

Do you know there's something more you should be doing, but can't quite put your finger on it?

Are you ready to jump out of bed each morning, excited to greet the day and fulfill your true purpose?

Join Mary Halima Fleming, Life Purpose Acceleration Coach, Healer, and Hand Analyst, for a profound journey into your soul's blueprint.

With over 22 years of experience and more than 10,000 souls guided, Mary Halima has mastered the art of decoding the secrets hidden in your palms and fingerprints, helping you align your life and livelihood with your highest purpose.

In this exclusive session you will discover:

  • 3 powerful ways to uncover your true purpose
  • How to align your life and livelihood with your soul's calling
  • The answer to that burning question inside: "I know there's more I should be doing – what is it?"
  • The path to your highest purpose through embracing your soul lessons


Immersive Soul Blueprint Experience!


Immersive Soul Blueprint Experience!

As a special gift for attending the live session, Mary Halima Fleming will guide you through a transformative, interactive experience designed to help you unlock your soul's blueprint, release limiting beliefs, and accelerate your journey towards your true purpose.

Soul-Awakening Heart Meditation

During the live call, Mary Halima will lead you through a powerful heart meditation to open your soul, where your blueprint and decree for this life were written before you were born. This deeply moving experience will help you connect with your innermost truth and gain clarity on your unique path.

Profound Clearing of Limiting Beliefs and Emotional Blockages

As part of this immersive experience, you'll participate in a profound clearing session designed to release guilt, shame, lost self-worth, fear, and any other obstacles holding you back from living the life you secretly know you're meant to live.

Mary Halima's unique approach, which combines 21st-century hand and fingerprint soul technology with her intuitive guidance and Sufi spiritual healing tools, will help you recognize and embody the truth of who you are as a spark of the Divine on Earth.

Interactive Elements and Personalized Insights

Throughout the live session, you'll have the opportunity to engage in:

  • A group meditation and activation to receive a knowing of your soul purpose
  • A group clearing to release limiting beliefs and emotional blockages
  • Opportunities for questions and personalized insights from Mary Halima

This exclusive bonus is available to live attendees, offering a rare chance to experience the transformative power of Mary Halima's work firsthand.

Don't miss this opportunity to unlock your soul's blueprint, release what's holding you back, and step into the life you were truly meant to live.

Magical Stories

What Mary's Clients Are Saying

“Mary's soul purpose reading gave me such clarity, I now have the confidence to transition out of my corporate career into the humanitarian work I'm truly meant for."


"I went from feeling stuck and unfulfilled to knowing in my bones the truth of who I am and my purpose for being here. I'm now living a bigger life I'd been yearning for."


“I am already giving healings! WOW! I know my life purpose now AND I’m LIVING it!"



"This was an eye-opening experience that helped me move forward with new clarity and freedom. I'm finally taking action steps towards my soul's desires."


About Mary

Mary Halima Fleming is a renowned Life Purpose Acceleration Coach, Healer, and Hand Analyst with over 22 years of experience guiding more than 10,000 souls to discover their true calling. Her own journey of self-discovery, which began at age 3 and culminated in finding her purpose at 48, ignited a passion for helping others navigate their path to purpose.

Through her unique approach, combining hand and fingerprint analysis, intuitive guidance, and Sufi spiritual healing tools, Mary Halima helps clients recognize their divine nature and align their lives with their soul's blueprint. She believes that each person is a spark of the Divine, placed on Earth for a specific reason, and is dedicated to helping them uncover and fulfill that purpose.

Mary Halima's expertise has transformed the lives of countless individuals, from corporate professionals to spiritual seekers. As a sought-after speaker and workshop facilitator, she empowers audiences around the world to unlock their soul's blueprint and step into their highest potential.

With her deep understanding of the human experience, mastery of healing techniques, and unwavering commitment to helping others live a life of purpose, Mary Halima Fleming is a true luminary in the field of personal transformation.